齊心為地球 – 2020東京奧運永續計畫
The Sustainability Concept of the Tokyo 2020 Games Be Better, Together-For the Planet and the People
In 2019, all relevant Tokyo 2020 activities were exhaustively assessed by the British Standards Institution (BSI), an ISO certification body, the certification covers all operations of Tokyo 2020. In November 2019, the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games announced that it has obtained certification of ISO 20121.
/ By The Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
2020東京奧委會在2019年全心投入英國標準化組織(BSI)與ISO的評鑑,認證範圍為2020奧運舉辦期間的所有運作,隨後於同年11月取得國際標準化組織(ISO)針對活動永續管理的 ISO 20121認證。